Become a supporter.
There are many ways to support this project. The best way to help keep A Wild Braid going is through participation in a workshop or through a monetary donation.
However, there are other, non-monetary means to support and any form of support is sincerely appreciated!
Monetary Support
You can leave a donation of any size. Your contribution to A Wild Braid will help keep this project going by
defraying the costs of community outreach
allowing me to focus more of my time on designing and facilitating workshops.
In addition, your monetary contribution will broaden access to workshops via scholarships.
To contribute, click this link: Support
Thank you so much!
Other ways to support
Here are non-monetary ways to give support:
Subscribe to A Wild Braid Nature Journal on Substack. www.awildbraidnaturejournal.substack
Follow me on Instagram @awildbraid and @alma_ramiro_alonzo_art
Share about A Wild Braid with your friends and family